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Oct. 22, 2019

88: An Inside Scoop Into Ag Media with Paul Schrimpf of Meister Media

88: An Inside Scoop Into Ag Media with Paul Schrimpf of Meister Media

is an award-winning journalist who has covered the agriculture market since 1998. He is Group Editor of the Agribusiness Group at Meister Media Worldwide, with full editorial responsibility for , CropLife IRON, and . Paul shares his story of...

Paul Schrimpf is an award-winning journalist who has covered the agriculture market since 1998. He is Group Editor of the Agribusiness Group at Meister Media Worldwide, with full editorial responsibility for CropLife®, CropLife IRON, and PrecisionAg® Professional.

Paul shares his story of joining Meister and his perspective on the ever-changing agriculture industry, sharing insights you won't want to miss throughout the episode. Tune in!

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