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May 14, 2019

65: Tracing and Tracking Produce with Blockchain Technology with Gary Loh, Founder of DiMuto

65: Tracing and Tracking Produce with Blockchain Technology with Gary Loh, Founder of DiMuto

is the Executive Chairman of , a private equity group focusing primarily in Asian oriented opportunities. He also serves as the Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of . Gary led the turnaround of SunMoon Food after taking control of...

Gary Loh is the Executive Chairman of First Alverstone Capital, a private equity group focusing primarily in Asian oriented opportunities. He also serves as the Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SunMoon Food Company. Gary led the turnaround of SunMoon Food after taking control of the business in 2007 and implementing a new business model. Recently, Gary founded a tech startup, DiMuto, focused on global trade that leverages blockchain technology to instill transparency in the food chain.

On this episode, we get in to Gary's background with SunMoon and how he led the turnaround. Gary discusses his new venture, DiMuto, and how he has begun building the business in Asia and the US. Gary is a wealth of knowledge and experience and you won't want to miss this one!

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