We made it! We could not be more thrilled to reach this milestone and can't thank YOU enough for tuning in. For this episode, Tim and Tyler talk through the top takeaways from a year of the podcast. 1) Ag businesses that are successful focus on the...
We made it! We could not be more thrilled to reach this milestone and can't thank YOU enough for tuning in. For this episode, Tim and Tyler talk through the top takeaways from a year of the podcast.
1) Ag businesses that are successful focus on the farmer first and provide clear value to them
Check out the episodes HERE
2) Social media wins - not for the sake of social media, but for connecting with real people (customers, partners, etc.)
Check out the episodes HERE
3) Direct-to-consumer strategy is increasingly achievable and effective due to internet/social with a plethora of simple, low-cost e-commerce tools
Check out the episodes HERE
4) Time, effort, and resources should be spent on understanding the market and what people are buying NOT on philosophical opinions of organic vs. conventional (vs. non-GMO, etc.)
Check out the episodes HERE
5) Non-traditional agriculture (vertical, indoor, urban, hydroponics, aquaculture) have their place and have good upsides. They are a SUPPLEMENT not a REPLACEMENT in ag innovation
Check out the episodes HERE
6) The biggest challenge/opportunity in agriculture is the labor shortage. The idea/company that can effectively solve pieces of this problem will win
Check out the episodes HERE