An economist and a banker walk into a bar.... Just kidding. Matt Wolf, crop analyst at Terrain, and Jill Jelacich, Head of Regional Banking at American Ag Credit, join the pod (way better than a bar) for a wide ranging conversation about the current...
An economist and a banker walk into a bar.... Just kidding. Matt Wolf, crop analyst at Terrain, and Jill Jelacich, Head of Regional Banking at American Ag Credit, join the pod (way better than a bar) for a wide ranging conversation about the current state of the ag economy and how American Ag Credit is approaching the changing market landscape with their customers.
Correction: The carryin in 2022-2023 was 836 mm (instead of 860 mm)
This episode is presented by American AgCredit. Learn more HERE. Check out Matt Woolf's episode on the California ag market HERE.