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July 18, 2023

292: Using AI to Solve Big Problems in the Agri-Food Supply Chain with Anthony Howcroft, CEO of SWARM Engineering

292: Using AI to Solve Big Problems in the Agri-Food Supply Chain with Anthony Howcroft, CEO of SWARM Engineering

This episode is presented by DPH Biologicals. Learn more at is the CEO of SWARM Engineering. SWARM is a Software-as-a-Service platform that uses next generation cognitive computing to tackle challenges in the agri-food supply chain to save costs,...

This episode is presented by DPH Biologicals. Learn more at DPHBio.com

Anthony Howcroft is the CEO of SWARM Engineering. SWARM is a Software-as-a-Service platform that uses next generation cognitive computing to tackle challenges in the agri-food supply chain to save costs, reduce waste, and deliver environmental benefits. The SWARM platform is structured around a multi-agent approach which utilizes a curated market of algorithms to optimize key processes such as load planning, inbound and outbound logistics, demand/supply planning, maximizing yield, and pricing optimization. SWARM provides an easy way for business users to define problems, and rapidly match them to advanced solutions without any software coding, knowledge of advanced AI, or machine learning.

Anthony has more than 25 years’ experience in technology, in a mix of corporate and startup roles that cover software engineering, sales and marketing. He was co-founder and VP Sales of DATAllegro, the data warehouse appliance vendor acquired by Microsoft for $260M in 2008. He subsequently ran Microsoft’s Big Data team in EMEA for 5 years, showing triple digit growth each year. After a 3-year stint mentoring CEOs in California, he launched SWARM. He has a Creative Writing Diploma from the University of Oxford and has lectured on the use of narrative in business. His non-fiction book Questions: A User’s Guide was published in October 2020, achieving Amazon bestseller status, and the research behind the book is being used to enhance the approach of the SWARM Challenge Modeler product.

Connect with SWARM Website | LinkedIn

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