We just launched yelp for ag biologicals: AgList.com
Oct. 4, 2022

244: Focused Venture Capital and the Venture Studio Model with Connie Bowen, General Partner of Farmhand Ventures

244: Focused Venture Capital and the Venture Studio Model with Connie Bowen, General Partner of Farmhand Ventures

is the founding General Partner of , a venture studio building the future of work in specialty crop agriculture. She’s also a Venture Partner with , where she collaborates across the startup ecosystem to support founders and their ideas. She is...

Connie Bowen is the founding General Partner of Farmhand Ventures, a venture studio building the future of work in specialty crop agriculture. She’s also a Venture Partner with Republic, where she collaborates across the startup ecosystem to support founders and their ideas. She is passionate about distributing knowledge and inspiring inclusive, impactful innovation in global food and ag systems.

Connect with Connie LinkedIn | Website

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