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Jan. 11, 2022

206: Converting US Dairy Farms into Oat Farms with Hälsa Foods Co-Founder Helena Lumme & Farmer Eric Ziehm

206: Converting US Dairy Farms into Oat Farms with Hälsa Foods Co-Founder Helena Lumme & Farmer Eric Ziehm

Helena Lumme is the President and Co-Founder of Hälsa Foods, a CPG company that produces oat milk products, focusing on clean ingredients, clean processing, and clean labels. Helena joins to share more about her journey founding the company and...

Helena Lumme is the President and Co-Founder of Hälsa Foods, a CPG company that produces oat milk products, focusing on clean ingredients, clean processing, and clean labels. Helena joins to share more about her journey founding the company and optimizing their marketing and supply chain.

Helena is joined by Eric Ziehm, who is a farmer-partner of Hälsa. He has converted his dairy operation to produce oats. He shares his perspective of making this change and being open to alternative paths for farmers. We hope you enjoy this episode with a founder and a farmer!

Show Notes: https://themodernacre.com/206