This week we talk to two agtech founders - , the CEO and co-founder of Bushel, and , the CEO and co-founder of FarmLogs - about the recent news of Bushel acquiring Farmlogs. Bushel is an independently owned software company and leading provider of...
This week we talk to two agtech founders - Jake Joraanstad, the CEO and co-founder of Bushel, and Jesse Vollmar, the CEO and co-founder of FarmLogs - about the recent news of Bushel acquiring Farmlogs. Bushel is an independently owned software company and leading provider of software technology solutions for growers, grain buyers, ag retailers, protein producers and food companies. FarmLogs is an agtech startup that provides farm management software designed to help run a more efficient, more profitable farm.
Jake and Jesse talk through the recent news, their businesses, and how they plan to integrate and grow together. They also offer some spicy takes during our quick takes segment. Don't miss this one!
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