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April 27, 2021

169: Scaling an AgTech Startup into New Markets with Israel Talpaz, CEO and Co-Founder of See Tree

169: Scaling an AgTech Startup into New Markets with Israel Talpaz, CEO and Co-Founder of See Tree

is the co-founder and CEO of See Tree, an agtech startup that uses the power of machine-learning algorithms to get smarter, and offer farmers the most precise window into the strength of their tree crops. Israel joins the podcast to talk about how he...

Israel Talpaz is the co-founder and CEO of See Tree, an agtech startup that uses the power of machine-learning algorithms to get smarter, and offer farmers the most precise window into the strength of their tree crops. Israel joins the podcast to talk about how he founded the company and how they are scaling both geographically and in crop type. Tune in to learn more about their approach, technology, and more!

Show Notes: https://themodernacre.com/169