We just launched yelp for ag biologicals: AgList.com
Dec. 1, 2020

148: Founding and Branding a CPG Company with WTRMLN WTR Co-Founder Jody Levy

148: Founding and Branding a CPG Company with WTRMLN WTR Co-Founder Jody Levy

is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of WTRMLN WTR, the pioneer in deliciously hydrating, super healthy watermelon water. Jody joins us to share the story of founding and scaling the business, covering areas of branding, supply chain, and sales....

Jody Levy is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of WTRMLN WTR, the pioneer in deliciously hydrating, super healthy watermelon water. Jody joins us to share the story of founding and scaling the business, covering areas of branding, supply chain, and sales.

Show Notes: https://themodernacre.com/148