We just launched yelp for ag biologicals: AgList.com
Oct. 6, 2020

140: Farmland Sourcing with Josiah Terrell-Perica, Director of Farmland Investing at FarmTogether

140: Farmland Sourcing with Josiah Terrell-Perica, Director of Farmland Investing at FarmTogether

is the Director of Farmland Investing at FarmTogether, a technology-enabled farmland investment platform that provides accredited investors with direct access to farmland as an asset class. Josiah joins us to dive deep into sourcing farmland for the...

Josiah Terrell-Perica is the Director of Farmland Investing at FarmTogether, a technology-enabled farmland investment platform that provides accredited investors with direct access to farmland as an asset class. Josiah joins us to dive deep into sourcing farmland for the platform and what he looks for, including land and financial criteria, operators, and crops. We also dig into farmland as an investment and the adoption of technology on the farm. Josiah also shares his thoughts on some really interesting crops that have high-demand potential.

Show Notes: https://themodernacre.com/140