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April 24, 2018

14: Expanding Into Hydroponics with AmHydro VP, Joe Swartz

14: Expanding Into Hydroponics with AmHydro VP, Joe Swartz

Join our Closed Facebook Group If you’ve wanted to learn more about hydroponics and how the technology can fit into your business, this is the episode for you. We talk with Joe Swartz, Vice President of Sales with American Hydroponics, or AmHydro....

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If you’ve wanted to learn more about hydroponics and how the technology can fit into your business, this is the episode for you. We talk with Joe Swartz, Vice President of Sales with American Hydroponics, or AmHydro. He has over 30 years of hydroponics experience, originally converting his own farm to maximize the business.

Joe shares important insight into what hydroponics is and what it isn’t, how it compares to organic methods, and how to discern up and coming technology. We get into how AmHydro has innovated by building a solution oriented business and focusing on the success of their customers. Tune in to learn more about building a business around the proven method that can diversify farms: hydroponics!

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