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Sept. 1, 2020

135: (Not) Getting High on CBD with Lazarus Naturals CEO Sequoia Price-Lazarus

135: (Not) Getting High on CBD with Lazarus Naturals CEO Sequoia Price-Lazarus

Sequoia Price-Lazarus is the founder and CEO of Lazarus Naturals, a leading CBD manufacturer. Sequoia joins the podcast to talk all things CBD. We cover how the company started, regulatory hurdles, a saturated market, farming operations, branding, and...

Sequoia Price-Lazarus is the founder and CEO of Lazarus Naturals, a leading CBD manufacturer. Sequoia joins the podcast to talk all things CBD. We cover how the company started, regulatory hurdles, a saturated market, farming operations, branding, and more!

Show Notes: https://themodernacre.com/135